How to Setup Your Space For Backyard Birds

Attract Backyard Birds Easily With These Tips

Watching and feeding wild birds, or birding, is America’s second most popular outdoor pastime (after gardening). Attracting backyard birds is easy, and it can make you more aware of and appreciate your environment. 

A fun part of birding is learning what wild birds are visiting your backyard. Identifying wild birds is a great way to get the whole family involved, especially the kids. Most of the wild birds coming to backyard feeders are songbirds, or perching birds, which have similar characteristics. By studying their size, body shape, colors, markings, beak shape, feet, and wing shape in flight, you can identify your friendly visitors.

Kaytee Backyard Birds

Here are some tips to get started:

Keep Food Fresh

Store fresh seed in a sturdy plastic or galvanized metal waterproof container with a tight fitting lid. Keep containers in a cool, dry location, such as a garage or shed. If you're looking for a blend to try, Kaytee Nut & Fruit Blend or Kaytee Songbird Blend are a great start!

Change Seed Often

Seed that is clumped together, or smells musty has gone bad. Dispose of it so that birds and animals cannot get to it and replace with your favorite blend! 

Water, Water, Water!

Providing water, especially moving water, attracts more birds to your yard. Remember that birds like shallow water (such as a bird bath), so avoid water deeper than 2-3 inches.

Open Location

Birds are most comfortable when they have a clear view of potential predators and a place to escape. Put feeders on open ground near shrubs or trees.

Prevent Freezing

Heated birdbaths or heating elements for standard birdbaths help keep water from freezing. Some birders pour warm water in birdbaths to help melt the ice. However, never add salt to birdbath water to keep it ice-free.

Birding is most fun when you can attract as many birds as possible. That means the right environment, the right food, and the right feeders.
Top-quality feeders, such as Kaytee Finch Station, Hanging Feeder Station for Suet, or Songbird Station, attract colorful songbirds to visit you on a regular basis. When researching types of backyard birds, the most common species are chickadees, finches, cardinals and woodpeckers and each species has different types:

Types of North American Backyard Birds:

  • 3 types of chickadees
  • 12 types of finches
  • 42 types of birds in the cardinal family
  • Dozens of types of woodpeckers


Imagine all the birds that could visit your backyard! Follow these steps and make sure to like our Facebook Page for more backyard bird tips.