Backyard Birding Bingo Game

Summer is here, which means kids are out of school and the birds are out flying in the nice weather. 

Backyard birding has many benefits like entertainment, hobby fulfillment, and more. Another perk is that it can be a bonding time for parents, grandparents, and kids. This Backyard Birding Bingo game is a great way to keep your kids and grandkids entertained while also getting them engaged with nature. They will learn something useful while they have fun! 

The most important aspect of this game is to make sure your yard is full of the birds found on the game board. You won’t be able to win the game unless you see many kinds of backyard birds at your feeders. The bird types found on this board include: Blue Jay, Hairy Woodpecker, Chickadee, Indigo Bunting, Male Cardinal, American Robin, Song Sparrow, Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Female Cardinal, Dark-Eyed Junco, Goldfinch, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Downy Woodpecker, Baltimore Oriole, Red-Winged Blackbird, Hummingbird, Waxwing, Carolina Wren, Tufted Titmouse, Eastern Blue Bird, Hawk, Western Scrub Jay, Mourning Dove, and Eagle.

Because birds vary by location and season, feel free to use some as “free spaces” if you know your area doesn’t have certain species. 

What you will need for this craft: 

  • • Kaytee bird seed 
  • • Printer
  • • Scissors
  • • Somewhere to sit and watch the birds

Kaytee Backyard Bingo

How to Play:
Watch for birds in your backyard. Each time you spot a bird that is listed on the board, put a bingo square piece on top of that bird’s name. The first person to get five in a row either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, is the winner!

Step 1
Prepare your backyard with bird seed to attract the right birds. Make sure there are a variety of feeders, seed types, and water for the birds to enjoy. If you are looking to find bird seed that your backyard birds will love, locate a store near you that sells Kaytee wild bird seed. Before you know it, your backyard will be an oasis for backyard feathered friends!

Step 2
Print out the Wild Bird Bingo sheet on a printer for as many players as you’d like. Each player gets their own bingo sheet. You can even play as a team if there are little ones who need some help identifying birds.

Step 3
Print out the Wild Bird Bingo Instructions sheet.

Step 4
Cut along the black lines to create square bingo pieces that you will use by placing them on the bingo board as markers.

Step 5
Watch for birds and cover up the bingo spaces as you see birds! 

Tell us how you did on our Kaytee Wild Bird Facebook page! We would love to see pictures of the birds you spotted while playing this game. 

Happy Bird Spotting!

(Click to Enlarge/Print)
Wild Bird Bingo dottersWild Bird Bingo Game Sheet