Go to Your Station or Perch

Teaching your Parrot to go to his favorite play stand or perch on your signal is easy with Kaytee treats.

  1. Start by placing the desired perch close to your bird.
  2. Show a Kaytee treat on the other side of the perch.
  3. When your bird reaches towards the treat with their beak, say "good" and give them the treat.
  4. For the next step, wait for your bird to place a foot on the perch before giving the treat.
  5. In the next repetition, wait for your bird to place both feet on the perch before giving the treat. Repeat this step several times.
  6. If your bird is flighted, you can now start to add some distance between your bird's starting point and the destination perch.
  7. You can also start to hide the treat in your fist and point your index finger towards the destination perch. You can also add the word "station" or "perch."

Congratulations! You've trained your Parrot to go to a "station" on cue!

If your Parrot knows how to target, you can also use your target stick to train this behavior.